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June 30th, 2022 Update

Our Foundation continues to provide teacher grants through our ongoing fundraising events. The Reverse Raffle was in incredible success with total funds received over $12,000! This allowed us to fund multiple grants at our May, 2022 board meeting.

We are also excited to announce our next fundraiser event!

5th Annual Golf Outing

Whispering Willows Golf Course
20500 Newburgh Rd, Livonia, MI 48152

Saturday, September 10th, 2022

(Shotgun start at 1:30pm) Check-in begins at 12:45pm

$125 per person, or $110 per person if paid before August 26th. Dinner & Lunch at the turn are included with registration fee.

Best ball scramble format with shotgun start. There will be a raffle for prizes.
Contact Dan MacIver at or 313-231-2524 for questions or to RSVP/Register.

Clarenceville Education Foundation
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